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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Taking shape

The house is starting to look more and more like a house and less like a construction sight, although it still has plenty of that look about it, but behind it the actual house is takign shape.

Prepping for siding.

Dining area, ready to be primed.

Reading nook in master bedroom.

View of living room fireplace (behind all the scaffolding).

Basement media room.

The east side of the house.

Front of the house, office windows.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Progress is slow

I'm not sure the progress is that slow, I am just getting so anxious to be done that it feels slow. Wes was supposed to take the camera today to take pictures, but he forgot. So... we will have to wait for progress pictures.

There has been mudding and taping and sanding and all that going on. Wes has been doing some work on the exterior while the contractors have been inside doing their bit.

The siding has arrived and will hopefully soon go up. I am hoping to show signs of real progress soon. There are so many little details and things to remember that it sometimes feels like we are standing still, but we are not. And Wes has lost a ton of weight from working too hard.

It has been a long few months and this little family is starting to miss Daddy. So I am hoping and praying that God carries us through the rest of the project so we can get to the other side as painlessly as possible.

I am, however, exceptionally proud of my husband. He has done such a wonderful job, he hasn't compromised on quality and he has done a vast amount of work (with some help from suppliers, but much of it on his own) in a time that most people would never dream of accomplishing half as much.

Hopefully we will have pictures soon.