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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wes has been busy

Our camera is broken. So Wes "borrowed" Bronwyn's camera. Just don't tell her or she would freak! He treated it very well and was instructed not to get any dust on it. No evidence!

He has been busy doing all the exterior framing and some sheeting. He hopes to be done that portion of the job by the end of this week and get the shingles on at that point.

I think the pictures look pretty impressive. There has been a bit of interest from the neighbors. Lots of curious on lookers and even a few who have chatted with Wes. These have been positive conversations.


Sandra said...

Wow, this looks great - keep up the good work. Sandra

Janelle said...

Very impressive. And a lot of work. My husband has talked about doing such a thing as well. We would actually like to add a little guest house in our yard. You are inspiring me in that dream!