Wes has been working hard trying to get the roof shingled. Thanks to the complicated roof this has taken a bit longer than he anticipated. This has actually become a bit of a family joke. I ask Wes if he was happy with what he got done and he says he didn't get done what he had hoped too. Now I've started asking him if he accomplished way more than he imagined.
Wes sat down and made a list of things that need to be done before the ground freezes. We have time lines and then we have "time lines." The big push is usually to do what we can before winter hits hard. This means that things occasionally are not done in the ideal order. But, I am thankful for how creative and hard working my husband is as he tackles these challenges.
He is anxious to get moving on the next tasks at the house and I am busy trying to find good long underwear for him. Warmer socks too.
Not sure the progress warrants new pictures. Once he starts on the interior there will be more pictures. I do promise that there won't be pictures of the long underwear!
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