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Saturday, November 5, 2011

The snow finally came

And it wasn't that bad. This week is forecasting just above zero through the day. So still pretty good for November. I figure this must be what farmers go through, constantly obsessing about the weather and reading forecasts.

Our neighbors came with us today and we checked out Wes' progress. The kids haven't been to the house since we first got it. They were pretty confused at first but impressed with the changes.

The roof is about 50% shingled. This week is supposed to be clear and snow free so Wes should be able to finish that part this week.

The addition at the back when I first saw pictures of the foundation looked so small, but as I see it from the inside and out now, it is a nice size.

Looking good I'd say.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it looks incredible! very impressive. Mel